Do you ...
❖ Not feel as effective as you'd like?
❖ Want to be more productive?
❖ Have a desire to model better communication skills for your teams?
❖ Want to be able to pause before responding to other people's fires?
❖ Want to improve connection with your team members?
❖ Sense that with some slight adjustments you could improve your workplace interactions with people above, below, and across?
Or do you see these needs in your frustrated front-line supervisors or middle managers?
Join me in some leadership boost Coaching sessions, or schedule some for your team! Let’s get over the mental hurdles holding us back.
Leadership Boost Sessions
“As Needed” Sessions
If you:
➜ Just have a couple challenges to work through.
➜ Need to make a couple key habit changes to improve resilience and effectiveness.
This is for you!
❖ Prework
❖ Three (45 minute) sessions
❖ Live one-on-one video sessions
❖ Ability to email Christine for support and with questions
“All In” Sessions
If you:
➜ Need to identify key areas of improvement needed.
➜ Are committing to ongoing work to develop habits, practices that work for you.
➜ Want support identifying and putting into action the tools that will improve your effectiveness and resilience.
This package is for you!
❖ Prework - Preparation to hit the ground running!
❖ One (1 ½ hour) session
❖ Seven (45 minute) sessions
❖ Live one-on-one video sessions
❖ Ability to email Christine for support and with questions
Team Training & Retreats
Is your team …
❖ Communication getting a little edgy?
❖ Always tired or unfocused?
❖ Strung out or becoming reactive?
❖ Working in an office culture that is hectic and filled with drama?
Even if only one or two of these apply, they could be creating an office atmosphere that is unpleasant. I work with individuals, teams, and businesses, that want to develop a culture of high productivity and increased effectiveness, without the drama.
With over 15 years’ experience planning and presenting team trainings and experience with low-ropes courses and team collaboration work, supporting the health of organizations by participating in their regular staff trainings and retreats is one of my favorite things to do.
The right training can:
➜ Increase Self-Awareness
➜ Increase Focus
➜ Increase Team Awareness
➜ And, Decrease Reactivity
Resilience focused retreats and trainings offer your employees a common language surrounding stress within an organization.
In addition, it provides a toolbox full of common self-care tools that help each person, both take care of themselves and each other, supporting the culture within your organization and improving the resiliency of the group.
Breathe & Learn Resilience Webinars
Many organizations love to provide these regular monthly webinars to their teams.
Each month the group tackles a different resilience skill in these experiential and interactive webinars.
Pricing Includes:
❖ Training (live or via zoom)
❖ Training technology and directions sent out ahead of time
❖ Preparation time
❖ Resources, such as free guided meditations, reading lists, app lists, detailed practice documents, etc., whatever is appropriate for each training
❖ Ability for any attendees to contact me with personal questions or practice issues outside of the training
Team Retreats
Whether you are planning a true off-site retreat or a short 1/2 day break in the office, I can develop the unique training that will work for your team!
Retreats are individualized to meet your needs.
Cost and details depend on your needs!